- Application backend created with the Slim PHP framework.
- Presentation layer created with the Twig template engine
Publications managed remotely on
Integration handled through the Zotero API and some PHP libraries such as libZotero - Slides are stored on SlideShare and integrated with the SlideShare API.
- Core frontend created with Boostrap (3.1.1) and jQuery (1.11)
- Theme and typography inspired by the MELON theme and by widgets and blueprints from Codrops. This is a temporary solution, while a proper, LESS-based, theme is being developed.
- Various plugins are being used throughout the application: i18next, FitVids.js, jQuery Easing, Nicescroll 3, Snap.svg, Jquery-Oembed-All, Holder.js, IsotopeJS, GMaps.js, Handlebars, FlexSlider,